- 2023
- Oil paint
- Oil pastel
Television static is most notably an indication that something is wrong—that for one reason or another, the transmission is failing. The white noise is the result of the TV antenna picking up random electromagnetic noise, shifting on the screen instantly, maintaining a consistency through the variations.
This static display is partially recieving microwaves from the cosmic microwave background—radiation that is a remnant from the Big Bang. In this regard, what we see on these screens is some form of a time machine, looking back to the beginning of the universe in a completely indiscernable way. Each frame exists for a fraction of a second as it is, before shifting intracably to the next.
A painting is a moment in time, a single instant enshrined forever, a product of humanity and our relationship to understanding ourselves as much as our reality. The white noise of an analog TV set is the opposite: an inconsistent pattern of lost moments, many without any relationship to humankind’s existence on earth. This series is intended as an honor to that idea, an extention of ‘The Medium as The Message,’ taking the ‘failue’ of technology and seeing it instead as a different type of success.